
HundredsoforganizationsuseCC0todedicatetheirworktothepublicdomain.AlthoughCC0doesn'tlegallyrequireusersofthedatatocitethesource,it ...,Thepersonwhoassociatedaworkwiththisdeedhasdedicatedtheworktothepublicdomainbywaivingallofhisorherrightstotheworkworldwideunder ...,CC0isaverypermissivelicence,likethe0BSDitreleasesthecoveredworkinthepublicdomainandgrantspermissiontouseitforanypurpose,withoutthe...


Hundreds of organizations use CC0 to dedicate their work to the public domain. Although CC0 doesn't legally require users of the data to cite the source, it ...

CC0 1.0 Deed

The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under ...

CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication

CC0 is a very permissive licence, like the 0BSD it releases the covered work in the public domain and grants permission to use it for any purpose, without the  ...

Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication and ...

A certifier, moreover, dedicates any copyright interest he may have in the associated work, and for these purposes, is described as a dedicator below.


Public-domain-equivalent license are licenses that grant public-domain-like rights and/or act as waivers. They are used to make copyrighted works usable by ...

公眾領域- CC Taiwan

CC0(公眾領域貢獻宣告,Public Domain Dedication and Certification). 無論作者或是創作者是否想要著作權,著作權法與世界上其他法律都自動對權利人的作品及資料庫 ...

公眾領域Public Domain

為了讓大家更容易辨識屬於公眾領域的資源,Creative Commons 推出了「公眾領域貢獻宣告」(CC0,Public Domain Dedication)與「公眾領域標章」(PD Mark,Public Domain ...


CC0和Public Domain Mark共同取代了以美國中心的公有領域貢獻和認證(英語:Public Domain Dedication and Certification)。 在2011年,自由軟體基金會添加了CC0 ...

Privacy Eraser Free 6.17.2 隱私清理不留痕跡

Privacy Eraser Free 6.17.2 隱私清理不留痕跡
